Pedigree Tree


Pedigree Tree

The full network graph of related germplasm, accessions, lines, crosses, etc.

Pedigree Node

A single germplasm in the Pedigree Tree structure. Each Node is connected to other nodes with a Parent, Progeny, or Sibling relationship. These relationships form the edges of the Tree structure.

Parent Relationship

The uni-directional relationship indicating that germplasm A is a parent of germplasm B. This is the inverse of a Progeny Relationship.

Progeny Relationship

The uni-directional relationship indicating that germplasm B is a child of germplasm A. This is the inverse of a Parent Relationship.

Sibling Relationship

The bi-directional relationship indicating that germplasm C and germplasm D share at least one Parent.

Implementation Notes

The BrAPI pedigree endpoints allow a client application to view, upload, and edit a pedigree tree on a remote server. Each Tree is defined as a collection of Nodes, with each Node having a one-to-one relationship with a Germplasm and/or Cross entity. Each Node object has a list of Parents, a list of Progeny, and a list of Siblings. All three of these are lists contain relationships from the given Node to other Nodes, and each relationship forms an edge of the tree structure. Every pedigree endpoint will respond with an array of Pedigree Nodes. This array is a flat, one dimensional, data structure, but it should contain enough information (node definitions and edge definitions) to reconstruct a full tree data structure.

The endpoints POST /pedigree (upload) and PUT /pedigree (edit) are relatively easy to implement. POST /pedigree allows a client application to upload an array of pedigree nodes. It is then up to the server to determine if these new nodes connect with any existing structures, and generate new relationships as needed. The server may also have quality filters in place to only allow certain types of relationships (ie a germplasm can not be its own grandparent) and the server may respond in error if these rules are violated. Similarly, PUT /pedigree allows a client application to edit existing nodes, referencing each node by germplasmDbId. Edits may include changes to the relationships and the structure of the tree, and again it is the servers responsibility to generate new relationships as needed and reject submissions that violate any custom filters.

The endpoints GET /pedigree and POST /search/pedigree allow a client application to retrieve nodes of an existing pedigree tree. These endpoints can be more complicated to implement because they provide search parameters and controls to retrieve any slice or subset of nodes from the full tree structure. These endpoints are intended to provide power and flexibility to the retrieval of pedigree data, while maintaining a level of simplicity and intuitiveness for the developer.

The endpoints GET /pedigree and POST /search/pedigree have three groups of parameters; search parameters, array control parameters, and recursion control parameters. Most of the parameters for these endpoints are search parameters, including things like germplasmDbId, familyCode, studyDbId, etc. These parameters exactly match the search parameters for GET /germplasm and they are intended to find one or more germplasm and return the pedigree nodes associated with those germplasm. This collection of germplasm will form the base of the pedigree tree. There are three recursion control parameters: pedigreeDepth, progenyDepth, and includeFullTree. These parameters control the recursive process of collecting additional nodes to be returned to the client. Starting from germplasm found by the basic search at the base of the tree, pedigreeDepth tells the server how many generations of parents to collect and return. Similarly progenyDepth tells how many generations of children to return. The includeFullTree parameter will collect all the nodes that are direct descendants or direct ancestors with the base nodes. This effectively sets pedigreeDepth and progenyDepth to infinity without needing to know the size of the full tree ahead of time. After the base nodes have been found and the generation nodes have been collected recursively, the array control parameters change the structure of the response JSON. The parameters includeParents, includeProgeny, and includeSiblings control whether or not the parents, progeny, and siblings arrays are included, respectively, in the JSON response. These three parameters allow the client to hide duplicate/redundant information, or hide an array that might be too large, causing the response to be inefficient.

Implementation Examples

Pedigree Example

This is an example of a simple pedigree with 13 germplasm over 4 generations. Below are several examples of BrAPI calls using this example pedigree data. These examples are meant to illustrate how to implement the various endpoints, search parameters, and controls available for BrAPI pedigrees.

Get Pedigree from GermplasmDbId

GET /pedigree?germplasmDbId=germ01

In this example, the base node germ01 is found directly by its germplasmDbId. By default, pedigreeDepth and progenyDepth are both set to “1”. germ01 has no parent data available, but it does have two progeny germ05 and germ06. These two nodes are also returned, but no more descendants, since the recursive function only went “1” generation down the tree.

   "germplasmDbId": "germ01",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 01",
   "parents": [],
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ05", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 05", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ06", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "siblings": []
}, {
   "germplasmDbId": "germ06",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ01", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 01", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ02", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 02", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ10", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ11", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "siblings": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ05", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 05" }
}, {
   "germplasmDbId": "germ05",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 05",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ01", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 01", "parentType": "MALE"  },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ02", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 02", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ09", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 09", "parentType": "SELF" }
   "siblings": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ06", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06" }

Get Pedigree from Search Parameters

GET /pedigree?studyDbId=Yield_Trial_2020&collection=Test_Panel_A

In this example, the exact germplasmDbId is not known, so a broader search is requested for any germplasm that are associated with the study “Yield_Trial_2020” and the collection “Test_Panel_A”. For this example we will assume that both germ03 and germ04 are found with these search parameters. By default, pedigreeDepth and progenyDepth are both set to “1”. Neither germ03 nor germ04 have parent data available, but they do have two progeny germ07 and germ08. These two nodes are also returned, but no more descendants, since the recursive function only went “1” generation down the tree.

   "germplasmDbId": "germ03",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03",
   "parents": [],
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ08", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "siblings": []
   "germplasmDbId": "germ04",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 04",
   "parents": [],
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07", "parentType": "FEMALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ08", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "siblings": []
   "germplasmDbId": "germ07",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ03", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ04", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 04", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ10", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10", "parentType": "FEMALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ11", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "siblings": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ08", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ08",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ03", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ04", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 04", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ13", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 13", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "siblings": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07" }

Limit Pedigree Depth

GET /pedigree?germplasmDbId=germ12&pedigreeDepth=2

In this example, the client is request “2” generations of pedigree data starting at germ12. Starting at germ12 as generation “0”, the recursive algorithm collects germ09 and germ10 as generation “1”, then it collects germ05, germ06, and germ07 as generation “2”.

   "germplasmDbId": "germ12",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 12",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ09", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 09", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ10", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [],
   "siblings": []
   "germplasmDbId": "germ09",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 09",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ05", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 05", "parentType": "SELF" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ12", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 12", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "siblings": []
   "germplasmDbId": "germ10",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ06", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ12", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 12", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "siblings": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ11", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ05",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 05",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ01", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 01", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ02", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 02", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ09", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 09", "parentType": "SELF" }
   "siblings": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ06", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ06",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ01", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 01", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ02", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 02", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ10", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ11", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "siblings": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ05", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 05" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ07",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ03", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ04", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 04", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ10", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10", "parentType": "FEMALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ11", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "siblings": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ08", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08" }

Limit Progeny Depth without Sibling data

GET /pedigree?germplasmDbId=germ03&progenyDepth=2&includeSiblings=false

In this example, the client is request “2” generations of progeny data starting at germ03. Starting at germ03 as generation “0”, the recursive algorithm collects germ07 and germ08 as generation “1”, then it collects germ10, germ11, and germ13 as generation “2”. Also, includeSiblings has been set to false, so all the siblings arrays will be omitted or set to null.

   "germplasmDbId": "germ03",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03",
   "parents": [],
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ08", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ07",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ03", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ04", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 04", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ10", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10", "parentType": "FEMALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ11", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ08",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ03", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ04", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 04", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ13", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 13", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ10",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ06", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ12", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 12", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ11",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ06", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ13", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 13", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "germplasmDbId": "germ13",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 13",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ08", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08", "parentType": "FEMALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ11", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "progeny": []

Full Tree Example with only Parents data

GET /pedigree?germplasmDbId=germ07&progenyDepth=0&includeFullTree=true&includeProgeny=false&includeSiblings=false

In this example, the client has includeFullTree set to “true”. This means the progenyDepth parameter is ignored and the recursive algorithm will return all the generations of pedigree and progeny data starting at germ07. Also, includeProgeny and includeSiblings have both been set to false, so all the progeny and siblings arrays will be omitted or set to null.

   "germplasmDbId": "germ03",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03",
   "parents": [],
   "progeny": null,
   "siblings": null
   "germplasmDbId": "germ04",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 04",
   "parents": [],
   "progeny": null,
   "siblings": null
   "germplasmDbId": "germ07",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ03", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 03", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ04", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 04", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": null,
   "siblings": null
   "germplasmDbId": "germ10",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ06", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": null,
   "siblings": null
   "germplasmDbId": "germ11",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ06", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 06", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ07", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 07", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": null,
   "siblings": null
   "germplasmDbId": "germ12",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 12",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ09", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 09", "parentType": "MALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ10", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 10", "parentType": "FEMALE" }
   "progeny": null,
   "siblings": null
   "germplasmDbId": "germ13",
   "germplasmName": "Germplasm 13",
   "parents": [
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ08", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 08", "parentType": "FEMALE" },
      { "germplasmDbId": "germ11", "germplasmName": "Germplasm 11", "parentType": "MALE" }
   "progeny": null,
   "siblings": null